How to Install Python on Windows? - Aman Aadi

How to Install Python on Windows?

Download and Install Python on windows:

Python is a widely used programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more. If you are a Windows user and want to start working with Python, you’ll need to download and install it first. In this blog, we’ll go through the steps for downloading and installing Python on Windows.

Step 1: Download Python Installer

The first step to installing Python on Windows is to download the Python installer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official Python website –

On the homepage, you will see a “Downloads” link at the top of the page. Click on it to go to the downloads page. On the downloads page, you will see different versions of Python. Choose the latest version for Windows and select the appropriate installer based on your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

Step 2: Run the Installer

Once you’ve downloaded the Python installer, you need to run it. Locate the downloaded file in your downloads folder or any other location where you saved it. Double-click the file to start the installation process.

Step 3: Add Python to PATH

You have the option to add Python to your system’s PATH variable. It can be useful if you plan on using Python from the command prompt or running Python scripts from other programs. 

To add Python to PATH, select the “Add Python to PATH” option. If you did not select this option during installation, you can still add Python to PATH by following these steps :-

  • Open the Start menu and search for “Environment Variables”
  • Click on “Edit the system environment variables”
  • Click on the “Environment Variables” button
  • In the “System Variables” section, scroll down until you find the “Path” variable
  • Click on “Edit”
  • Click “New” and add the path to your Python installation (e.g. C:\Python39)

Step 4: Customize Your Installation (Optional)

The installer will give you the option to customize your installation. You can choose to add or remove features, depending on your needs. For example, you can choose to add IDLE, an integrated development environment for Python, or pip, a package installer for Python. If you’re new to Python, you can leave the default options selected and click “Next”.

Step 5: Install Python

After customizing your installation (or not), you can proceed with the installation. Simply click on the “Install Now” button to begin the installation process.

Step 6: Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, you can verify that Python is installed correctly by opening a command prompt and typing “python” (without the quotes). This should open the Python interpreter, which allows you to run Python code.

Step 7: Install Additional Packages

Python comes with a variety of packages and libraries that can be used for different purposes. However, you may need to install additional packages for specific projects. You can install additional packages using the ‘pip’ package manager.

To install a package using pip, open the command prompt and type ‘pip install package-name’ without the quotes. Replace ‘package-name’ with the name of the package you want to install.


Python is a versatile programming language used for a wide range of purposes. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can easily download and install Python on your Windows computer. Remember to verify the installation and install additional packages as needed for your projects. With Python, you can start building your own applications, perform data analysis, and explore the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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